Hello everybody!!! So this blog was originally for my life abroad...obviously that went so well that I never had time to write!!!! I left ya'll hanging in Ireland!! Well I made it back to the U.S. of A. and am in my senior year of college (OMIGOSH). I didn't know what to do with this blog when I got back so I just kinda left it lonely as a tab at the top of my browser page. Then recently I thought to my self "Self, your adventures didn't stop when you got home!" Indeed, the biggest adventure of my life is approaching at a speed of TERRIFYING and EXCITING: the "real world".
So I've decided that I am going to re-start this blog because my life is also full of little adventures as well! I'll keep you updated on new things in my life as well as personal reviews of movies I've recently seen, books I've read, jobs I've applied for, and other little adventures in between! I have been so blessed with opportunity and passion, and I can't wait to start sharing that with everyone....AGAIN! So keep comin' back here and I will try to as well!!! Until the next time..Gig Em' and God Bless!