Howdy!!! Sorry its been awhile since posting but school has literally been nuts..I've been staying busy with classes and organizations and life! I have been getting everything together for STUDYING IN SPAIN! I absolutely LOVE my program that I'm going on because they are soooo supportive! If I have any questions I call them right away! My personal advisors have been such a blessing to me and my parents because they keep us sane and keep me excited!!!
Exciting newssssssssssss....So last weekend I went to Houston to get my VISA!!! It was definitely a new experience that luckily went relatively smoothly! If you are looking to go to the Spanish Consulate in Houston, make sure you visit their site and their checklists! I made sure I had every document and every picture they asked for. I dotted every i on my application and crossed every t and made sure I had everything filled out and checked!
One thing they forget to mention anywhere is that you need to mail the visa information back to yourself after its done if you don't want to pick it up (for people like me who had to drive an hour and a half and the guy in front of me who had to drive 6 hours). To mail this stuff you need a pre-stamped overnight envelope! I didn't know this so I had to go around town to 3 different places to get this (1st place's computer crashed, 2nd didn't have anymore envelopes in the size I needed, 3rd time was the charm). I recommend getting this before you go because the Spanish consulate has trippy hours..only M-F 9a.m.-1p.m. Not exactly great hours for college students. I was worried I would have to take a day off of classes (and I neverrrrrr do thattt... ;p ) but luckily my last 2 classes cancelled so I could go!
If you need to check out the Spanish consulate in Houston you can visit the Spanish Consulate site. As usual I will see you soon! Stay safe and God bless!! :)
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