Saturday, August 18, 2012

Minimalist Living in STYLE!

Well the school year is fast approaching, which means MOVING BACK!! This year since I will be embarking on the adventure of a lifetime, I will only be in my new house for a semester! I was lucky enough to move in with two great girls also embarking on adventures of their own next semester, so I got a 6-month lease! Plus it was fully furnished so I didn't have to worry about bringing furniture except for my room! I got really lucky in this area, but if you are planning on leaving for a sememster I would highly recommend trying to find a fully furnished place as well!

My mommy came up to help me move in and we took on a MINIMALIST perspective! Since I will be leaving anyways we wanted things to be cheap but sturdy, easy to move and pack, and yet stylish! I may only be in this room for a few months, but I want it to be a good place to study and escape the world! These are a few of the ideas that my mom and I incorporated into my room!

We took a regular folding plastic folding table and bought 2 yards of matching fabric and for a table cloth! Now I have a giant desk that folds up and packs away nicely! Plus we already had this folding table, so we didn't have to purchase one! We also brought a plastic file divider from home as well, which works perfectly for all my printer paper and sprials and my large stacks of index cards! We also just brought a regular metal chair, which while uncomfortable, will still work perfectly!

Another thing I am using in my room for a bedside stand is a lime green milk crate that we bought from Wal-Mart for only around $3! It holds all of my books and Bibles, and also serves as a nice place to put my phone and stereo! Also whenever I need to move, the crate will come in so handy when I'm moving for storage! And thats my trusty Spain book from 2006 that I got at a book sale for all of 50 cents!!!

So those are just a few of the cool minimalists things my mom and I did!! But now I'm gonna show you the decorations that we put up as well!! I am a huge Broadway junkie and my lovely mother was nice enough to frame my playbills and tickets for me!! I couldn't put them up on my walls the past two years but now...I can feast my eyes on my Broadway wall whenever I want!!

Also, I framed a giant map of Texas with a ton of pictures that I had just lying around my room at home!!  I want a map of the world, but for now Texas works great!! I wrote one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite authors, C.S. Lewis, on there as well!! "Is there any pleasure on earth as great as a circle of Christian friends by a good fire?" Its perfect for my circle of pictures around my home!

I love beaches (one of the reasons I chose Granada is because its by the beach!) so I took on a small beach theme for my restroom! Sea glass is so beautiful in my opion and I love searching for it while walking in the sand! My aunt gave me a ton of sea glass for her times on the beach and I added my own to a small jelly jar and voila! A toothbrush holder!! I also added a small vase full of shells that I found in Port Aransas with my old roomie and an empty Lucky Buddha beer bottle! Don't worry..I didn't drink it; my parents did at a Wierd Wine, Beer, and Cheese party they hosted at our house. I just thought it was adorable!

The last but most precious thing in my room is this: Mackenzy's One-A-Day's! My mom made this cute bag and filled it with small pieces of paper and presents (yay me!!!) giving me sweet words of advice and love!! I get to pick one out everyday and think about my family and how loved I am!!! This is such a sweet idea by my genius mother! :)

Well thats all the cool stuff from my room! While I didn't minimize the amount of clothes and shoes I brought back (much to my father's chagrin), there is significantly less things than I have in my room back home! I'll have to minimize DRASTICALLY when I head over to Espana but for now I will enjoy my beautifully decorated room and my semester of school!! :)

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