Friday, June 13, 2014

Crafty Me Take 2!

Hello again!!! So yesterday I showed y'all my latest craft with my $3 Goodwill buy ( a brass candle stand) and how I transformed it into a fun and funky bracelet stand!

I put this finished product on my Facebook and got lots of comments asking about lovely uncle thought it was a birdbath!! So when it finally dried, I arranged some of my many bracelets on it to show how awesome it looks! Check it out!!

Here it is in relation to a Rudy's cup!!

I might be biased but I think it looks pretty darn cool!!! It took about 5 hours to dry because I put the paint on thick to cover up any brass showing through. But once it was done, all my bracelets fit perfectly on it!

Another Wal-Mart purchase I made yesterday was an earring display! It was $9 and I found it in the arts and crafts section! It was originally black, but again I used the rest of my pink paint to drastically transform it!

I think it looks really cool with my new bracelet holder and with my earrings and rings on it! I've never really had anything to display jewelry on! I think that since I'm starting a "big girl job" I should start accessorizing better and so I think this is a great start! I will keep y'all updated on my new life here! Till then God Bless and Gig Em'!

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